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Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific spots in the body to strengthen, stimulate and relieve symptoms of disease. Here are some things you may really want to know. . .
Can you feel it? Yes.
Does it hurt? No. It feels different, like no other feeling you’ve had before, but it's not an "ouch" feeling.
What if you are afraid of needles, should you still try it? Yes! More often than not, the person afraid of the needles is the one relaxed and falling asleep during the first treatment.
Why acupuncture?. I was the first to ask how it could help. However, I saw relief in my own pain and the fact it has been treating patients for at nearly 4000 years (compared to Western medicine’s 100 years) speaks to its efficacy.
So what is Acupuncture in a Nutshell: Energy (or “Qi") is constantly moving through the body, and when it circulates properly, we are in harmony, balanced and strong. But when it gets blocked or becomes deficient, it causes pain, dysfunction, depression and disease.
When the energy or blood gets stuck or stagnated, it results in pain. During a treatment, when an acupuncture needle is inserted, the brain sends blood and energy to the insertion point to investigate, triggering the inflammatory response and circulates oxygen, minerals, and resources both to the point of insertion and other areas that may help the body recover.
The World Health Organization lists the following symptoms, diseases and conditions to be treated effectively by acupuncture: